Champasak Spa is a self financed French sustainable development project, established in March 09, in Champasak district LAOS .
Our project is to create qualified permanent jobs for local residents and to contribute to promote and develop a sustainable, responsible and ethic tourism in Champasak.
- The spa center has been built by Champasak workers, all furniture and equipments for massage have been manufactured by Champasak craftsman, in the respect of the environment.
- Organic products used for natural spa treatments come mainly from Champasak villages.
- All staff have been trained in massage by a professional Lao teacher, and had been paid during 3 months of training.
- 7 people of Champasak village, have been monthly remunerated ; the project provides them with a fix salary, even in low season (currently 5 months in Laos).
- In accordance with their incomes, specific fees massage are proposed to local residents.
- Champasak-spa has contributed to inform about news and information in Champasak villages since 2009, and to developp a responsible tourism, ethic and sustainable.
- Our wellness Center has developped social and cultural activities for employees and their families.

Champasak-Spa has contributed to some specific community projects in Champasak District :
Our main focus are Health, Sport and Education.
For 10 years, you have choosen our actions to support needs expressed by local community, and in accordance with the Champasak Governement Authority agreement.
Primary School of Ban Muengsen/Ban Phoxay ;
Thanks to the contribution of generous donators, as Champasak-Spa’s Guests, Friends, Family and worldwilde Donators, we have succeed in funding some renovation room classes, roof, and outdoor paths :
- Concrete paths for kids going to the class rooms.
- Roof replacement aged of 70 years
- Repainting of windows, doors, walls…
- Every year, for the start of the school year, some kids from Champasak receive free school furniture and uniforms.
The Primary school needs more help ; if you want to support the kids, please, contact us.
You can make a donation in our Center where we collecte funds, or make a bank transfert. We ARE NOT A NGO, but a privated self financed project.
Badminton Club of Champasak has coached, and supported for 7 years by David.